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Buna prietene! Bine ai venit la site-ul meu.Pe mine ma cheama Luca. Sunt din Romania si locuiesc in Bucuresti. Sunt elev in clasa a V-a. Materille care imi plac cel mai mult la scoala sunt educatia fizica, matematica si religia. Sporturile mele preferate sunt tenisul, voleiul si fotbalul. Imi place de asemenea sa inot si sa joc badminton. In timpul liber ies afara cu prietenii mei sau ma joc pe calculator. |
Hello friend! Welcome to my website.My name is Luca. I am from Romania and I live in Bucharest. I am a student in the fifth grade. The subjects that I like the most are physical education, mathematics, and religion. My favorite sports are tennis, volleyball, and football. I also like swimming and badminton. In my spare time I like going out with my friends and playing games on my computer. |
Noutati (10 iulie 2022): In sapatamana care a trecut am fost la cinema de trei ori. Am vazut filmele Baietii rai, Fabrica de vise si Lightyear. Toate trei mi-au placut foarte mult. Am fost si in parcul Herastrau si m-am plimbat cu vaporasul.
[Alte noutati] |
Updates (July 10th, 2022): This past week I went to the movies three times. I watched The Bad Guys, Dreambuilders, and Lightyear. I enjoyed all three very much. I also went to the Herastrau Park and I took a ride on the boat. [More news] |